

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Run Rabbit Run 100

Thursday, September 17th, 2015:

It's one day before the start of the race. I arrived in Steamboat Springs mid-afternoon after a 3-hour drive west. With nothing but rap and hip hop blaring on my speakers and the windows rolled down, I'd been cruising along the mountain roads intensely visualizing every mile of tomorrows race. This is how I get myself psyched for a hundred-mile run through the mountains. I love driving, I love rolled-down windows, and I love music. I was smiling the whole way.

I had an hour to do nothing before the race meeting where I'd meet with my friend Mur and we'd sit and listen to the race director tell us about how the weather forecast means absolutely nothing. "It will be freezing," he'd tell us. I could really feel the weight of the notion of 'nothing' in this moment as I rolled into a parking space at a Starbucks on the south side of Steamboat. I sat for a moment, contemplating 'nothingness' as I enjoyed the final 30 seconds of ATLiens by Outkast. Before I knew it the song was over and I wanted to listen again. I sure as hell hoped those 30 hours would feel like the short 30 seconds of that song!

I decided I'd head into Starbucks, buy the cheapest thing they had, use the restroom, and sit in their comfortable chair and finish the final episode of the final season of Gilmore Girls, which I'd become addicted to over the summer. It was a bittersweet ending and a great way to take the focus off the race-jitters. For an hour.

I felt ready for this race, no doubt in my mind. I was well-trained physically, overall very healthy, and felt mentally prepared to survive anything, especially a baby race like tomorrows. Seriously. I'd never felt mentally tougher in my entire life than I did on this day.

Back to the car, turn up the Outkast, and over to the race meeting.

Mur and I walked to the meeting together with her family. This was Mur's first 100-mile race so she was a little nervous. I tried not to let it get me nervous, but it's hard not to start second-guessing everything while listening to a first-timer ask questions I didn't really know the answer to. Not to mention, I didn't really want to revisit these questions I'd spent months already answering for myself leading up the race.

Mur would ask, "Do you think we have a chance at under 30 hours? Should I put gloves in this drop bag or this drop bag? Should my family go to this aid station or this aid station?"

Don't get me wrong, fantastic questions. But I personally won't be thinking about under 30 hours until the last quarter of the race. Under 30 or not is completely dependent upon the first half of the race. Also, it's all personal preference what goes in what drop bag and who meets where when. It's difficult to listen to these questions after already sorting through them earlier on and coming to a confident conclusion about them all. I did not want to re-think about all of this now, a day before the race. After Mur completed her drop bags and we'd dropped both of ours off, she felt relief. So did I. Too late for either of us to change anything now!

Me, Race Director Fred, & Mur
All I remember from the race meeting is Fred telling us to ignore the weather. Just what I figured. He emphasized, "It's going to be freezing! Have tons of layers in your drop bags!" It's always the same deal. Everyone wants to know the weather forecast, and the weather forecast is never what was forecasted. I think it's the optimism in people, hoping for a positive weather prediction so they can start the race with a positive mindset. "This won't be that hard, it's going to be the perfect temperature all day." And no matter how hard the race director emphasizes the reality, half the people come under-prepared and drop out. Luckily Mur and I packed our drop bags for a fucking ice age. Gloves and hats and gloves and pants and hats and pants and gloves. It's go time.

Friday, September 18th, 2015:

I woke up at 6am, had a look out the window, and couldn't help but smile and laugh to myself as I saw rain pouring down on the street. I thought to myself, anyone who put every single one of their windbreakers, ponchos, gloves and hats in their drop bags and forgot to keep some for the start of the race is screwed! Mur and I were over-prepared so we got ourselves ready and wandered over to the start with all the other nervously-excited humans. There's this feeling I get before a massively long race like this. I feel so small. I feel so insignificant compared to these massive mountains and massive miles I'm about to cover on these teeny tiny feet of mine. I think about how many mountains there are and how many trails there are and how long it would take to ru--


And so begins the start of a very long amount of time before I can relax.

Heading to the 8am race start (Me, Mur)
Mur and I started up the ski hill by the gondola at the base of the Steamboat resort. We were both smiling and telling each other how it's just an adventure. It's not a race. We're just hanging out, two friends, running a very long way. No. Big. Deal. And quite honestly, that set the tone for the whole race, and it was great. We talked, we ran, we laughed, we spaced out, we ate, we listened to music, we stopped to take in the sights. We were tourists. We really were. Exploring these trails like we'd do on any other day. With just a little bit more suffering than we'd normally ask for.

Mur looking down toward the gondola where we began the race
Having too much fun at mile 20
Still having too much fun at mile 25
Ran by some painters painting Fish Creek Falls
It actually turned into one of the most gorgeous days of the year after a couple hours of rain and mist and clouds. Blue skies, yellow aspen leaves, perfect cool-for-summer mountain temperatures. I absolutely wouldn't let myself complain about a single thing. I'd be foolish to complain. Weather for a 100 doesn't get any better than this.

Not to say things didn't hurt. My legs hurt like they should hurt after 20-30 miles. But pain is just pain. I was eating, not bonking, so the pain was manageable. I was well-trained to use my fat stores instead of relying solely on carbohydrates. But I had calories coming in steadily. One gel every 30 minutes for the entire freaking race. I swear I knew when it was time to take a gel without looking at my watch. That's how in-tune I was with time during this race. I want to say most people are like this during these long ultras, but who knows. We get so in-tune with everything. Just very aware of our surroundings. In a very detailed way. I notice little things I normally wouldn't notice quite as much during an everyday run. Nothing to fill the space like cell phones and rushing around normally does. Just quiet and surroundings and then a pause. Just my five senses taking everything in that's right in front of me. Such as the breeze that caused some leaves to fall off the tree over to the right. Pause. And the sound of my footsteps. Pause. And the way the air smells different now than it did 10 seconds ago. Pause. And it's time to eat another gel.

Not to say I don't get lost in my thoughts. I really do. But my thoughts are almost completely separate from the detailed awareness of my five senses I just talked about. Both are going on at once. And boy do I get lost in my thoughts.

I listened to some music during the race. Here are some of my "race" songs that kept me going:

ATLiens by: Outkast
Snakeskin by: Deerhunter
100 (feat. Drake) by: The Game
Your Soul by: Hippie Sabotage
Party Talk by: Craft Spells

I don't want to bore you with the details of every aid station and the mileage. It's all the same. We arrive, get more food, throw out our trash, listen to people ask us what we need, fill up on water, drop off the gear we don't need, gather the gear we'll need for the next section, and we get the hell out of there before we talk ourselves into sitting down.

Mur and I around mile 35
I want to talk about how incredibly happy this race was because of the company I shared it with and how optimistic I felt the whole way. I spent 42 miles with Mur. We were both very positive the whole way. We got to see her family and other friendly faces at aid stations, which was nice. And both Friday and Saturday were beautiful. This time of year all the leaves are changing, making the mountains golden and absolutely stunning.

After 42 miles, Mur took off with her first pacer, and I started out with my first pacer, Ashley D. She was full of positive energy. Ashley just completed her first 100 mile race in August. So she knew how I was feeling, and that's important. I felt very energized with Ashley as she paced me into Friday evening. This can generally be a low point among runners as it gets colder, darker as the sun sets, and we realize we aren't even halfway yet. But I was psyched to be here. And psyched by Ashley's energy, even though she was only with me for a few miles!

Need I say more about Ashley's energy?
My next pacer was Jon C. Another 100-mile runner. I tend to feel confident and trusting in whatever Jon tells me. He has his PhD in nutrition, and he's completed all nine 100 mile races he's started. Therefore, what Jon tells me, I have to listen to. Or at least that's what I forced myself to believe between mile 45 and 65 while he paced me! Jon tells me to eat another gel, I eat another gel. Because hell, he has his PhD in nutrition. Jon tells me to keep up with him as we go from walking to running, and I do just that. Because shit, he's completed all nine of his 100s. Logic enough for me this far into a race.

My first low point came during this section. My feet started hurting. Which was worse than the consistent hurt of every other body part. I believe this is due to the fact that there's a relief every time I pick my foot up, and then I'm right back to the pain as soon as my foot pounds back into the ground. It's like this constant reminder of the pain with every single step. And I took quite a lot of steps during this race! Jon told me funny stories from his days in college, which should have been funny. Except I was mostly thinking about my feet. And the stories really just blurred into one long story that lasted for a very long time. So I have absolutely no idea what they (or it) was about.

I got through this night section really well, considering it got down to 8 degrees at the highest altitude of the race. Really, the only thing that went sort of wrong was my idiot decision to put my hand on one of the heaters in an aid station. It melted my glove and I'm lucky I didn't burn my hand. Good thing I had extra gloves.

Melted glove and my mark on the heater. Yes I left my mark on the course.

Saturday, September 19th, 2015:

Mile 65-ish! It's now sometime in the morning, like 1am? I'm making that up. I don't remember. Time to pick up my third pacer, Alaina C. Alaina has three pets: two rabbits and a dog. At the time of this race she only had one rabbit. And I remember her telling me about her plans to get another rabbit. Because they are all super adorable, I'm going to add a photo of them in here:

Cody, Buster, Zoe
Alaina told me a lot of stories about her animals to keep my mind pre-occupied during the race. There might have been a moment or two or three when the idea of cuddling up with these furry friends sounded way more enjoyable than running from mile 65 to mile 74. I think I almost got a little too lost in imagining this. As close to hallucinating as I've ever been to hallucinating during a race. But I'd snap back into it and realize I was in the middle of the mountains in the middle of the night in the freezing cold on a trail and these animals were only a figment of my imagination as Alaina told me about them. Alaina also rapped for me. That was pretty entertaining :)

Other than the horrible GI issues I was dealing with, this section went really well. And by GI issues, I mean having to squat every 30 minutes to, uh, let things out. It was fun. Very memorable.

This is what night looks like. And headlamps. You really do run through the night during a 100 mile race.

Ok time for the last 30-ish miles with Ryan C. And I want to point out real quick that my autocorrect attempted to change '30-ish' miles to '3-ish' miles just now. I definitely meant 30, not 3. And possibly more as the race was closer to 105 miles than 100. Autocorrect, you better get with this whole ultra-running business.

My second low point occurred during this long final section of the race between mile 80 and 90. Ryan and I just finished climbing a long hill and my achilles tightened up like crazy. It became incredibly difficult to run because everything was so stiff. I was in a bit of a bad mood because of this. I felt mentally capable of running, but not at all physically. And there Ryan was over there telling me these stupid jokes and dancing around me like a little kid and I kind of wanted to punch him. I'm sort of kidding. Luckily I didn't punch him and luckily his jokes were enough to keep my mind off of my frustrations for awhile. Ryan finally talked me into consuming some caffeine and a tylenol. Or was it advil? I don't have a clue. Either way, I was against taking these for quite awhile. Too much caffeine makes me panicky while running. And taking medicine can be harmful to the already-stressed organs in high doses and it can also cause you to push harder and further injure yourself, which I did. I dealt with an inflamed 'achilles bump' for a month post-race. Some sort of minor tear. 

I'm glad I took the tylenol and caffeine because my achilles loosened up and I had the highest of highs during the whole race between mile 90 and the finish. Suddenly I got it into my head that I'd be able to break 30 hours and earn the gold belt buckle. I had 36 hours to complete the race, but I knew I would be so close to breaking 30 hours for the gold buckle if I tried hard. I had about 3 hours until the 30 hour cutoff and like 15 miles to go. That's an average of 12 min/mi. Right on the line of difficult to do this late in the race especially with the climbs and descents, but possible. As soon as I thought it, it was a done deal. I was going to finish under 30 hours. 

I spent an hour listening on repeat to 100 (feat. Drake) by The Game. I kinda felt invincible which is a little funny to think back on now. I managed to pass handfuls of people and put quite a lot of time on those people by the finish. Why didn't I take caffeine sooner?! Ryan was basically running a 50k. This was his first time pacing and he made the typical pacer mistake of taking care of his runner much better than he was taking care of himself. He became somewhat dehydrated and was possibly suffering more than I was at the time. I'd look back at him and he'd look like he was about to vomit. I feel bad about this now, but at the time it kinda just made me push harder. Here I was feeling better than my pacer at mile 97! Sorry Ryan.

This is around mile 97
This is around mile 102

I finished at 1:35pm Saturday afternoon in 29 hours, 35 minutes and earned the gold belt buckle! Mur finished 5 minutes ahead of me with a time of 29 hours, 30 minutes and also earned her gold belt buckle! She did an amazing job for her first 100 mile race. After we split around mile 42, I saw her in passing around mile 70 and she looked like she was doing awesome!

Crossing the finish line back at the gondola in Steamboat.
Mur and I at the finish line, happy as can be and ready for some beer.
I don't have a whole lot to say in terms of summing up my experience. This race was by far my best effort, my best race, my favorite race, my most positive race, and anything else good you can think of. Seriously. I'm a little afraid of my next one because of how high the standards are from this one. Other than being well-trained, it's all about the positive attitude, which you either have or you don't. You can't force a positive attitude because life doesn't always allow it. I failed both my 100s last year and I certainly didn't start either of those races with a positive attitude. You can't force a 100. So far I've learned the difference in attitude is the biggest factor affecting the outcome of a 100. But I've only finished two and failed two. And I realize there are many more variables in a 100 than just attitude. We'll see how the next one goes!

Some post-race photos Saturday afternoon and Sunday:

Pacers Jon and Ashley enjoying food and beer at the finish line
Pacers Alaina and Ryan on our painful but short hike the next day
Swollen foot/ankle/everything
Mug and Gold buckle
The BEST hot springs experience EVER
Post race cigar. Because my lungs are on a roll in taking the heat.
And last but not least, post race bed.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Running and Sickness

I wanted to write a post on the imperfectness of our bodies and the lifestyle we love. Because nothing will ever be perfect forever, even what we love most.

We get injured, we get sick, we grow bored. And the motivating videos we watch, the inspiring running articles we read, the moving trails we run, are only perfect for a moment. Until something changes and we sit there wondering if running will ever be so perfect again.

Now this post, I've already decided, is likely meant for the lifestyle running addict like myself. But that's okay, we all must have something that keeps us living on that will help you relate to this article, whether running or not, right?

I'm at a point in life where running means just about everything. And by "running" I truly mean the lifestyle I live that includes running as a main piece. This lifestyle, for me, also includes rock climbing, camping, hiking, adventuring, my close "runner" friends, music that inspires me to run, good beer, and possibly some more pieces that fit together to create this absolutely perfect life I live.

Or not so perfect.

The image is perfect.

That one weekend rock climbing in July was perfect.

That one trail when the sun was setting and the breeze blew some leaves over my head was perfect.

That moment when I crested the ridge, exhausted and weighed down by my pack and saw a dark storm coming toward me with lightening was perfect.

That moment I heard the perfect song during a race and it brought me from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs was perfect.

That feeling that one time when I ran through the warm rain and was covered in mud from head to toe was perfect.

But sitting here with my nose running, lungs tight, and ears in pain is not perfect.

It just won't always be perfect and sometimes it mostly won't be perfect. And it will be really difficult to accept.

I hit a high point a few weeks ago, feeling better than I've ever felt as a runner. I began to feel better than ever a year ago when I fixed my iron and b12 deficiency. But I was not back to normal. I was still exhausted all the time, and very stressed out. I wondered if I had adrenal fatigue. Turns out I've had a viral/bacterial infection for the past 5 years or so, all beginning when I first had a nasty combination of mononucleosis and pneumonia. I got rid of that mono but the pneumonia, apparently, decided to stay.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae is the name. It's not full-blown pneumonia where you can't get out of bed. They call it "walking pneumonia". But don't take that name so lightly. It causes this horrible cough that is not subsided by coughing. And longterm, it can cause chronic fatigue and some other unpleasant symptoms. It is difficult to treat because of the structure of the cells. The following article parallels what my current doctor has explained to me about mycoplasma pneumoniae:

Best points from the article:
- lack of cell wall causes resistance to many antibiotics
- cells burst causing disruption in blood flow to organs
- symptoms can persist for months
- fatigue, headaches, memory impairment, sleep disturbances, depression... yes to them all
- infections can be occult (dormant) until another bacteria, virus, parasite or stress activates it and causes the symptomatic phase

The doctor put me on antibiotics for a month and a half and I felt amazing. I had perfect run after perfect run after perfect run. I truly don't think it was just a placebo effect. Two weeks ago was my last antibiotic. A week and a half ago I noticed a tickle in my throat. I've been sick for the past 9 days. It might just be a normal cold. I sure hope so. But it feels just like all the other times I've been sick with this pneumonia. And my dreams have been crushed. Running at 10,000 ft. altitude this past weekend was terrible. More because of my crushed psyche than how terrible I felt. But still.

Running isn't always perfect. We're going to have perfect runs. And we're going to have horrible runs because the elements of a perfect moment aren't all lined up.

Chronic sickness can really cause chronic imperfect moments and chronic frustration and chronic anger. All of this chronic badness can cause a very happy person to suddenly face running or any life passion with a sour face.

When we're sick, we're all hoping for more perfect running moments. We need them. Because that's what keeps us coming back to running and this lifestyle, right? Those incredibly monumental stops in time when everything else disappears and suddenly the world and life makes sense as you pound down the gorgeous trail into the mist. Without that, what's the point?

If we're smart, we maintain more than one passion in this life. But either way, we all hope those perfect moments never stop coming.

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Best Chili Ever

I thought I'd post my original chili recipe!

In my opinion, the perfect chili DEFINITELY doesn't come without two ingredients: beer and avocado. But the other ingredients are pretty important too, and will only turn your plain and simple chili into the best you've ever had.

1 lb. ground beef, defrosted if frozen (you can add more than 1 lb. if you'd like)
1 poblano pepper, chopped
1 yellow chili pepper, chopped
2 jalapeños, sliced
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1 yellow bell pepper, chopped
1 white onion, chopped
8 garlic cloves, minced
2-3 lb. fresh tomatoes, chopped
6 oz. tomato paste (one small can)
24 oz. (2 bottles) cream stout of your choice (amber ales works very well too)
15.5 oz. (1 can) black beans, rinsed (use non-canned & soaked if you prefer)
31 oz. (2 cans) kidney beans, rinsed (use non-canned & soaked if you prefer)
1/4 c. lime juice
1/4 c. chili powder (yes a quarter cup)
1/4 c. dried oregano
2 tbsp. fresh parsley
1 tbsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. ground white pepper
1 tsp. ground black pepper

Optional Garnishes:
avocado is a must, in my opinion
sour cream or even greek yogurt for a healthier option
shredded cheese
tabasco or other hot sauce
green onions
more jalapeños
more chopped white onions
tortilla chips
oh, and beer to drink of course

Put first 9 ingredients into a pan. This includes beef, peppers, onion and garlic. Sauté in fat from beef until beef is cooked through. If you're worried about overcooking peppers, onion and garlic, you can add only the beef first, cook for a few minutes, then add peppers, onion and garlic and cook everything together. If you are not adding meat, add a tbsp. or so of oil to the pan (preferably coconut oil or olive oil). Note: Do not heat olive oil at too high of heat.

While beef mixture is cooking, add the rest of the ingredients, excluding garnishes, to a crock pot. Once beef mixture is done, add to the crock pot. Set temperature to high. Let cook in crock pot for about 4-6 hours. You can also set temperature to low and cook for 6-10 hours while you're at work all day. I don't think that extra time really changes the flavor much though. You can also cook chili on a stove in a big pot. If you choose this method, bring all ingredients to high for a minute, then simmer for 4-6 hours. If you're in a rush, cooking chili for just an hour is perfectly okay! (Although keep in mind that the alcohol content may be a little higher with this shorter amount of cooking time)

Spoon into a bowl, add garnishes of your choice, pop open a beer, and float to the clouds.

*** For you vegetarians and vegans out there, easy: don't add beef or dairy garnishes.
*** For you crazy people who can't handle spicy, easy: don't add jalapeños, yellow chili peppers, poblano pepper, and possibly add less chili powder. Oh and you won't want to add Tabasco as a garnish!
*** You can add different proteins like chicken, pork, tofu or seitan, but beef is best in my opinion. Note: You'd probably want to add tofu and seitan at the end to avoid it breaking apart and becoming mushy.
*** Don't drink too many beers and then drive!! Note: Most of the alcohol in the chili will burn off because of how long it cooks for, so this recipe is kid friendly :)


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Shoe Review: The North Face Ultra Trail

Here's to a great shoe! The North Face Ultra Trail shoes shown below.

The North Face Ultra Trail

I'm going to say from the start, I haven't tried a large number of shoes, nor am I a shoe snob, nor do I tend to care much about the science of a good vs bad shoe. I go by how it feels and how it allows me to train and race.

I am much more on the 'much less picky' end of the spectrum of ultra runners out there. I'm only picky when I'm injured or generally uncomfortable. Which is why I love these Ultra Trails. They have become my "go-to" trail shoe when I'm having any sort of issue. And so I'm writing this post for all of you out there trying to decide whether or not to get these or a different trail shoe!

IT Band pain? Ultra Trails. Heel bursitis? Ultra Trails. Knee pain? Ultra Trails. Don't feel like wearing shoes but have to? Ultra Trails. Just want to be comfortable? Ultra Trails. Want to land more forefoot? Ultra Trails. Don't want to feel bulky & heavy if I come across a section of road? Ultra Trails. Up mountains, down mountains, desert, rain, snow, mud? Ultra Trails. Wanna look cool and cute? ;) Ultra Trails.

Why do I love the Ultra Trails?

  • They have a soft heel, which has helped with my heel bursitis issue.
  • They have a perfect heel drop of 6.8mm. Any lower and I'd have foot & calf issues, any higher and I'd have hip & knee issues.
  • I feel very close to the ground, which I personally need in a shoe. This allows me confidence when my feet land that I won't twist an ankle.
  • The toe box is pretty roomy, important for a healthy foot-strike.
  • The shoe isn't too stiff, which helps me feel free and airy. 
  • They grip the ground well with their Vibram soles. I don't think any shoe is THAT great on the ice or other slippery conditions in the first place. So I wouldn't say it's a matter of how well they do on the ice. To me what's important, like I mentioned in a point above is how close to the ground I feel. I think this allows a comfortable foot-strike, which allows your body to figure out how to move in order to handle unpleasant conditions well, such as ice. 
Vibram soles

These ultimately fit my personal style. Comfortable, light, flexible, low to the ground, made for trails. They may not be that great for incredibly rocky terrain because of how flexible they are. And if you tend to get a lot of foot pain during longer ultras, these don't have a ton of cushion. But I still wear these on very rocky terrain! It just builds more stability in my ankles! And who's feet don't hurt after long ultras anyways?! But if you're like me and would rather go barefoot everywhere, have fairly strong feet, prefer comfort & roominess over stiffness & tightness, and just don't want to notice your shoes when you're running, these are for you! 

Taken from:
The above image details where this shoe falls on a spectrum of various shoe qualities. 

By the way, you can apply all of this to the men's version!

Click here to view & purchase The North Face Ultra Trail!!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Go Run Behind the Rocks Ultra 2015!

Behind the Rocks is an ultrarunning event in Moab, UT. This year the race will be held on March 28th. Registration is already open! Sign up and get away for a weekend!!behind-the-rocks-home/cee5

Exploring the day before the race

I quote from the home page of the website, "Behind the Rocks was created to highlight Moab's last hidden gem, the Behind the Rocks Wilderness area." And it certainly does. The scenery throughout this course is gorgeous. Nothing beats the spectacular views of the La Sal mountains in the distance, or the challenging foot travel over slick rock. The rock formations, arches, fins, & desert plants to be seen during your race are just as incredible as the national parks in the area, but without all the tourists. It's a perfect little hidden gem.

Beautiful desert

Come toe the start line with a fun group of runners and battle it out Saturday morning. There are three races to choose from: 50 mile, 50k, & 30k. I would highly recommend this race for your first ultra! I'm definitely not saying it's easy, because it's not. But what's ever easy that's worthwhile?! It's beautiful and put on by some great people. That's enough to make it worthwhile. Plus there's dispersed camping right at the start! It doesn't get any better than that. Hang out with your friends the night before the race and wake up a few feet away from the start! That's any runner's dream come true.

2014 start of the 50-miler

The course winds through the desert on trails within the Behind the Rocks Wilderness. There are some very technical sections with some steep ledges. Below is a screen shot of the course map for the 50 miler. As you can see, not too much repeating the same trails which is sweet.

Behind The Rocks Course

If you've never been to Moab, Utah, you are missing out. It's a very unique place. If you've never run an ultra, this is your chance! Go big or go home :) See you all at Behind the Rocks in March!!

Photo credit: Chris Noble